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Das bin ich

Das ist deine Über-mich-Seite. Dies ist der ideale Ort, um mehr Informationen über dich und deine Website hinzuzufügen. Doppelklicke auf das Textfeld und passe den Inhalt an. Denke an alle Informationen, die für deine Besucher relevant sein könnten.

Application form

Das ist deine Über-mich-Seite. Dies ist der ideale Ort, um mehr Hintergrundinformationen über dich und deine Website hinzuzufügen. Gib hier ein paar mehr Einblicke und erwecke so das Interesse und die Aufmerksamkeit deiner Besucher.

A certificate of fitness for non-competitive sports
Select photos


Select documents


International Racing licence (delivered by the national Motorsport Authorities)
Select photos


Select documents
Passport or ID (front & back) *
Select photos


Select document(s)

until november 15, 2023

until january 15, 2024

until march 15, 2024


until november 15, 2023

until january 15, 2024

until march 15, 2024

Room type

Entry fee includes: Catering from Sunday May 26th to brunch Saturday June 1st  (except Monday May 27th evening)  and accomodation of 6 nights (26th -31st May) in twin or double room.

Extra rooms
Single rooms

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

until march 15, 2024

Superior room

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

until march 15, 2024

Depending on avaibility: first come, first serve.

Extra service
Luggage service

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

Luggage transported from reception desk in the morning and brought into the room in the evening

Special Guests Assistance
Special guests (2 Pers.)

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

For 2 pers.  / 1 car, access to all races (not Special Stages)

Support Crew - Option I
Support Crew (lunch only)

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

For 2 pers. / 1 car, access to all races (not Special Stages) and lunchs 

Support Crew - Option II
Support Crew (catering & standard hotel)

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

Support Crew (catering & superior hotel)

until january 15, 2024

until november 15, 2023

For 2 pers. / 1 car, access to all races (not Special Stages ) lunchs, dinners sharing one double room

Dinner Package
1 pers. 6 dinners

until november 15, 2023





Account Holder:

Deutsche Apotheker und Ärztebank München

DE18 3006 0601 0002 0065 70



Choose card
Invoice Details

After the event, we will issue an invoice to the Driver, using the details indicated on page 2 of this form.

In case you wish to have the invoice issued to a company, please provide us the following data:

Your bank account

in case of refund


An error has occurred. Please check if you have filled in all fields correctly.

Thank you for your application. We will review it and contact you afterwards.


Important!: We have sent you an e-mail as confirmation of your application. All your entries are listed there. If anything changes in your information, please feel free to contact us.


Also check your spam folder! It may take a few minutes to receive the e-mail.


Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach neuen, spannenden Möglichkeiten.

+49 (0) 175 456

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