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 Application form (only english) 

 Zur Anmeldung sind 2 Schritte erforderlich: 



Füllen Sie das Bewerbungsformular aus und überweisen Sie die Bewerbungsgebühr (Application fee), um sich für die Rallye anzumelden.


Dieser Schritt wird vorgenommen, um die größtmögliche Vielfalt an Automodellen zu gewährleisten. Melden sich zu viele identische Autos an, wird nach dem „first come, first serve“ – Prinzip verfahren. Werden Sie angenommen, erhalten Sie zügig mit der Teilnahmebestätigung das Nennformular.



Füllen Sie das Nennformular aus und überweisen Sie das Nenngeld (Entry fee), um Ihre Teilnahme an der Rallye zu bestätigen.


Sobald Sie das Nennformular erhalten haben, wählen Sie Ihre Extras aus (Einzelzimmer/Superior-Zimmer/Unterkunft für die Begleitmannschaft usw.) und überweisen das Nenngeld zur Teilnahme. Überweisen Sie das Nenngeld vor dem 31. Dezember, kommen Sie in den Genuss des Frühbucherrabatts.



You must fill in the following grey and blue fields

more demanding driving

You must fill in the following grey and yellow fields

comfortable driving


Select photos
Select photos
Select photos

1- 3 photos best possible resolution, oblique angle required


Target Bavaria - Beispiel.jpg
Vehicle registration document / Fahrzeugschein / Carte grise *
Select photos
Select photos


Select documents
Select documents
Insurance document if not included
Select photos


Select documents

(Valid for EU) 

Regularity documents

Valid historical papers proving the age of the car

Select photos


Select photos
Select documents
Select documents

Needed for rally admission, can be submitted later.


Competition documents

Valid national or FIA Historical Technical Passport

Select photos


Select photos
Select documents
Select documents

Needed for rally admission, can be submitted later.


Shirt size
Select photo

Passport or ID *

Select photos


Select photos
Select document(s)
Select document(s)

Driving license *

Select photos
Select photos


Select document(s)
Select document(s)

International competitors driving license FIA approved - Competition

Select photos
Select photos


Select document(s)
Select document(s)

Needed for rally admission, can be submitted later.


Shirt size
Select photo

Passport or ID *

Select photos


Select document(s)
Select photos
Select document(s)

Driving license - Only needed for Competition!

Select photos
Select photos


Select document(s)
Select document(s)

International competitors driving license FIA approved - Only needed for Competition!

Select photos
Select photos


Select document(s)
Select document(s)

Needed for rally admission, can be submitted later.



Application Fee: 2.500,-€ 

!!! IMPORTANT !!! Applications are only considered once the application fee was received.

Please send us the application fee of 2.500,- € to the following bank account.




Account Holder:


Deutsche Apotheker und Ärztebank München

DE18 3006 0601 0002 0065 70



TBR - Driver's name

Refund of application fee

The application fee will be refunded, if

1. the application is denied

2. the event doesn`t take place

3. the competitor has to cancle his application (2500,-€) latest to 30 days before the event, otherwhiles the organiser reserves the right to keep it.


A cancellation must be sent in written form to the event organizer.

 Your bank account 

in case of refund

 Total participation fee 

The entire participation fee results from the sum of the application (2500,-€) and the entry fee with the individual extras of driver and co-driver (Single room / Superior room / assistance Board and Lodging etc).


Once the participant is admitted, he will receive an entry form, which must to be sent to the event organizer.

The total participation fee has to be transferred up to March 31st. An early bird discount will be considered up to December 31st.


The participation fee is the sum of:


Application Fee

2.500,00 €



Entry Fee

7.385,00 €

7.885,00 €

on demand

until Dec. 31st 2023

until Mar. 31st 2024

from Apr. 1st 2024


single / superior rooms, support crews, etc..



Application Fee

2.500,00 €



Entry Fee

7.885,00 €

8.385,00 €

on demand

until Dec. 31st 2023

until Mar. 31st 2024

from Apr. 1st 2024



single / superior rooms, support crews, etc..

Special guest

Application Fee

2.500,00 €


Special guest

Entry Fee

6.885,00 €

7.385,00 €

on demand

until Dec. 31st 2023

until Mar. 31st 2024

from Apr. 1st 2024


single / superior rooms, support crews, etc...



 Total participation fee 

Extras can be booked together with the entry form, which will be sent out once the applicant is admitted.

 The total participation fee includes: 

​​For Driver and Co-Driver:

  • Participation in the entire motorsport event

  • Route information, including road book, support crew routes, programm overview and much more

  • 6 nights in 4**** or 5***** hotels

  • 6 exclusive evenings including the last gala dinner in Munich

  • All-day catering during the event

  • Professional time measurement and evaluation

  • Event souvenirs and merchandising

  • Parking areas (incl. parcs fermés) in close proximity to the hotels and the places visited during the rally.

  • Trophies and / or prizes for best performance / consolation and special prizes

After your application has been accepted, you will receive a confirmation with access to the entry form and further inside information.

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Thank you for your application. We will review it and contact you afterwards.

An error has occurred. Please check if you have filled in all fields correctly.

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Due to the large amount of data, the transmission may take a short time. Please do not close the window and the browser until the process is complete.

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